Sunday, November 8, 2015

First Entry

Hello, world. My name is Hollie and what I love to do is search the Internet. Now, the websites I love are the ones I remember from back in the day. My absolute favorite, back in 2005 was Slow Children at Play by Stokie Jaye. I just finished making a mirror of it. Here is the link:

Right now, I'm working on making a mirror of all the Tard Blog stories. It needed to be done. Yes, there are mirrors online, however, they leave out Sarah Hammon and Kristy Pell. Yes, Kristy Pell's humor can be down right disgusting, however, it is so hilarious. I remember reading these stories back in the day during a slow day at work. It kept me entertained for many hours, and I hope it entertains you also.

I'm not sure what other mirrors I will make next. If the site is still up, I'll just add a link. I will probably be doing this until it is warm outside again.

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